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The supplement companies profit by the Instagram Influencers use of anabolic steroids because it looks like the supplement was responsible for their unnatural physique, so they want to put an end to it. And the reason is quite simple, Instagram is a place where anabolic steroids are freely available, there are no drug testing in Instagram, and people who use anabolic steroids just don't want to know what they are or have a problem with them, steroids for sale on amazon. So all the people who use anabolic steroids in Instagram want to be able to stay on Instagram so they know nothing is out there for them to do with them other than to use them and get their followers, steroids for sale new zealand. And the supplement companies are saying, well if Instagram just shuts down all the anabolic steroids, then those who were taking them would become homeless and can't get into any jobs or colleges. What Instagram is doing is forcing every business to become a part of the anabolic steroids culture: whether people want it or not, steroids for sale in port elizabeth. And it's really hard to fight back against that kind of culture when there's a large market for the products that the supplement companies want to sell them, instagram steroids on buy. And they're not the only ones that are looking out to take advantage of that, steroids for sale malta. The pharmaceutical companies are as well: they are looking for ways to profit from the products that their drug companies have to make a profit on. And they've come up with the best and easiest ways of doing it, buy steroids on instagram. And we're just sitting by and watching and I don't know what's going on here.