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I did not target Australia or direct traffic there but the fact is Australia is without question the number one importer of illegal steroids in the worldand now in the world. "I do not understand how the Australian media can continue to write headlines from this country that 'Australia's illegal steroids are making a comeback' without understanding the situation in which we find ourselves, s4 andarine headache." Last month a New Zealand court rejected a plea bargain and ordered Smith and his associates to give up their legal challenge, s4 andarine cholesterol. Smith was extradited to South America from England in September 2009, where he was arrested in Uruguay in October 2009 on suspicion of importing more than 30kg of steroids. That conviction was later dismissed by an appellate court in South Africa. The case was never heard in a US court and Smith has been in Uruguay since 2009, s4 andarine dose. Earlier this year Smith wrote to News Corp Australia to plead for a retrial, australia andarine s4. "The decision to seek the assistance of the United States authorities was an easy decision for me," he wrote. "I have already been given assurances of his full cooperation. "I am extremely disappointed in the decision of the South American courts, s4 andarine avis. "My defence for this case was based solely on the defence of self-defence and my defence for Mr Smith was based on the defence of Australian steroids, s4 andarine australia."
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